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This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines the requirements for a heavy braid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) lined, metallic reinforced, hose assembly suitable for use in high temperature, 400 °F, high pressure, 3000 psi, aircraft hydraulic fluid systems, also for use in pneumatic systems which allow some gaseous diffusion through the PTFE wall. The -20 size operating temperature is limited to 275 °F maximum.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
To provide general instructions for accomplishing ultrasonic thickness measurements. Measurements can be made from one side of a material when access to the opposite side is restricted.
AMS K Non Destructive Methods and Processes Committee
This document lists those guidelines recognized as being essential for consideration by the designer who is preparing to select an elastomer as part of an aerospace design.
AMS CE Elastomers Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) covers the general requirements for, and the listing of, manufacturers’ identification markings, names, symbols or trademarks, and CAGE codes that appear on electrical and electronic wiring devices and accessories as required by individual product specifications. Supplier markings from previous submitted listings are maintained for component traceability.
AE-8C2 Terminating Devices and Tooling Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the minimum standard requirements for message boards (MBs) at designated deicing facilities. The design of aircraft deicing facilities is covered by ARP4902. Standards for the deicing facility management system are outside the scope of this document.
G-12DF Deicing Facilities Committee
This document establishes acceptable design criteria for instrument and cockpit illumination for general aviation aircraft.
A-20A Crew Station Lighting
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) offers gland details for a 0.364 inch (9.246 mm) cross-section gland (nominal 3/8 inch) with proposed gland lengths for compression-type seals with two backup rings over a range of 7 to 21 inches (178 to 533 mm) in diameter. The dash number system used is similar to AS568A. A 600 series has been chosen as a logical extension of AS568A, and the 625 number has been selected for the initial number, since 300 and 400 series in MIL-G-5514 and AS4716 begin with 325 and 425 sizes. Seal configurations and design are not a part of this document. This gland is for use with compression-type seals including, but not limited to, O-rings, T-rings, D-rings, cap seals, etc.
A-5B Gears, Struts and Couplings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report presents a glossary of terms commonly used in the ground delivery of fuel to an aircraft and pertinent terms relating to the aircraft being refueled.
AE-5A Aerospace Fuel, Inerting and Lubrication Sys Committee
This specification covers the engineering requirements for producing brazed joints in parts made of steels, iron alloys, nickel alloys, and cobalt alloys by use of silver alloy filler metals, and the properties of such joints.
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
This document provides recommended practices for the design and selection of tube, hose, and fitting systems that are used to transmit hydraulic fluid on aircraft. NOTE: Guidance for the sizing of hydraulic tubing is contained in Appendix A.
A-6C5 Components Committee
This specification covers a water-base cleaner in the form of a concentrated liquid.
AMS J Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals and Materials Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides a comprehensive and consistent set of guidelines for the definition, recognition, troubleshooting, and repair of hydraulic components and systems on in-service aircraft affected by external leakage.
A-6A1 Commercial Aircraft Committee
This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides: Recommended methods for cleaning sample bottles, when used, and the solvents to be applied and how these solvents should be prepared. Recommendations for three measuring methods for determining the level of solid particle contamination of hydraulic fluids used in aerospace hydraulics. Recommendations for the selection of the sampling point, sampling method, and the sampling frequency.
A-6C1 Fluids and Contamination Control Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is limited to the subject of aircraft fuel systems and the questions concerning the requirements for electrical bonding of the various components of the system as related to Static Electric Charges, Fault Current, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Lightning Strikes (Direct and Indirect Effects). This AIR contains engineering guidelines for the design, installation, testing (measurement) and inspection of electrical bonds.
AE-5A Aerospace Fuel, Inerting and Lubrication Sys Committee
The scope of this document is limited to Enhanced Synthetic Vision Systems ESVS human factors considerations and requirements in comprehension, interpretation and application of imagery and integrated symbology in Enhanced (sensor) and Synthetic (database) Vision Systems in aircraft. Any overlap into logic problems or hardware/software design should be considered to be incidental to the human factors issues. Where the performance characteristics of specific technologies are relevant they will be identified, and where performance criteria are relevant to specific intended functions/use they will be identified. From a regulatory view, intended function (Guidance or Information/Situation Awareness support) has a tremendous effect upon the design of an ESV System. However from a Human Engineering standpoint, the information on a display must be discernible and comprehensible to the human operator in both cases and differences may be primarily in information content (required to support a
G-10E Enhanced Vision Synthetic Vision Systems Committee
These recommendations are to aid the international air transport industry by identifying a standard, minimum amount of safety instructions and procedures that should be provided in the PSIS. Aircraft operators are encouraged to customize the PSIS to their own operations. This document also provides recommendations for: a Passenger safety information briefings and associated materials, b Demonstration emergency equipment, c Ensuring passenger suitability for those seated in exit seats, d The standardization of safety briefings for passengers seated at exits who may be responsible for opening exits on transport aircraft during an emergency, and e A standardized protective brace position to reduce the severity of injury during severe turbulence, rapid deceleration, or a sudden impact. In addition, these recommendations pertain to briefings on aircraft on which the cabin crew would conduct the exit seat briefing, and to briefings on aircraft without cabin crew, on which pilots would
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes requirements for manufacturing, testing, identification, packaging, and quality of tubes for application in commercial and military aircraft wheel assemblies.
A-5C Aircraft Tires Committee
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