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The scope of this SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is first to establish applicable definitions and terms prior to considering the application domain and use cases in HVDC applications. Then it will identify commanded switching technologies to be considered for aerospace applications and provide rationale for their selection.
AE-10 High Voltage Committee
It is expected that Level 4 and 5 automated driving systems-dedicated vehicles (ADS-DVs) will eventually enable persons to travel at will who are otherwise unable to obtain a driver's license for a conventional vehicle, namely, persons with certain visual, cognitive, and/or physical impairments. This information report focuses on these disabilities, but also provides guidance for those with other disabilities. This report is limited to fleet operated on-demand shared mobility scenarios, as this is widely considered to be the first way people will be able to interact with ADS-DVs. To be more specific, this report does not address fixed route transit services or private vehicle ownership. Similarly, this report is focused on road-worthy vehicles; not scooters, golf carts, etc. Lastly, this report does not address the design of chair lifts, ramps, or securements for persons who use wheeled mobility devices (WHMD) (e.g., wheelchair, electric cart, etc.), as these matters are addressed by
On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee
The demonstrated architectural model and associated graphical techniques defined herein were developed to provide a simple method of visualizing the general functional operation or behavior of a Distributed Embedded System with a strong emphasis on representing system time characteristics.
Embedded Software Standards Committee
This document is the Architecture Description (AD) for the SAE Unmanned Systems (UxS) Control Segment (UCS) Architecture Library Revision B or, simply, the UCS Architecture. The architecture is expressed by a library of publications as referenced herein. The other SAE publications in the UCS Architecture Library Revision B are AS6513B and AS6518B. The library also includes the government-owned Autonomous Ground Vehicle Reference Architecture (AGVRA) Data Model Framework Version 3.1A.
AS-4UCS Unmanned Systems Control Segment Architecture
The scope of this document is a technology-neutral approach to speech input and audible output system guidelines applicable for OEM and aftermarket systems in light vehicles. These may be stand-alone interfaces or the speech aspects of multi-modal interfaces. This document does not apply to speech input and audible output systems used to interact with automation or automated driving systems in vehicles that are equipped with such systems while they are in use (ref. J3016:JAN2014).
Driver Vehicle Interface (DVI) Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a document for the format of messages and data that is of general value to modules on the data communications link. Included are field descriptions, size, scale, internal data representation, and position within a message. This document also describes guidelines for the frequency of and circumstances in which messages are transmitted. In order to promote compatibility among all aspects of electronic data used in heavy-duty applications, it is the intention of the SAE Truck and Bus Low Speed Communications Network Subcommittee (formerly Data Format Subcommittee) (in conjunction with other industry groups) to develop recommended message formats for: a Vehicle and Component Information—This includes all information that pertains to the operation of the vehicle and its components (such as performance, maintenance, and diagnostic data). b Routing and Scheduling Information—Information related to the planned or actual route of the vehicle. It includes
Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network Committee
This document defines a set of standard application layer interfaces called JAUS Mission Spooling Services. JAUS Services provide the means for software entities in an unmanned system or system of unmanned systems to communicate and coordinate their activities. The Mission Spooling Services represent the physical platform-independent capabilities commonly found across all domains and types of unmanned systems. At present, one service is defined in this document (more services are planned for future versions of this document): Mission Spooler: Stores, manages, and executes lists of tasks The Mission Spooler service is described by a JAUS Service Definition (JSD) which specifies the message set and message protocol required for compliance. The JSD is fully compliant with the JAUS Service Interface Definition Language (JSIDL).
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This SAE Standard describes the concept of operation, use cases, and message flows to create a Sensor Sharing Service (SSS). This service enable RSUs and V2X1 vehicles to share information about their localized driving environment. This work defines message structure, V2X entity requirements, and information elements to describe detected objects to facilitate sensor sharing.
Advanced Applications Technical Committee
This User Guide describes the content of the Rhapsody version of the UCS Architectural Model and how to use this model within the Rhapsody modeling tool environment. The purpose of the Rhapsody version of the UCS Architectural Interface Control Document (ICD) model is to provide a model for Rhapsody users, derived from the Enterprise Architect (EA) model (AIR6515). The AIR6515 EA Model, and by derivation, the AIR6517 Rhapsody Model, have been validated to contain the same content as the AS6518 model for: all UCS ICD interfaces all UCS ICD messages all UCS ICD data directly or indirectly referenced by ICD messages and interfaces the Domain Participant, Information, Service and Non-Functional Properties Models
AS-4UCS Unmanned Systems Control Segment Architecture
This SAE Standard provides requirements to support applications for the maneuver sharing and coordinating service (MSCS) beyond broadcast of basic safety messages (BSMs). This is to improve road safety and traffic efficiency by sharing and coordinating vehicle maneuvers via vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. This document lays out use case scenarios and defines vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) application protocols, system requirements and message sets for MSCS. The defined message sets for MSCS will result in identifying new message types, data frames, and data elements for SAE J2735.
V2X Vehicular Applications Technical Committee
This document provides an assessment of current engineering test and simulation standards and methods used to determine the fuel efficiency, freight efficiency and emissions of single-vehicle systems comprised primarily of on-road trucks and buses with GVWR of more than 10000 pounds (4535 kg). This document provides guidance on the applicability and use of each test and simulation standard, method and technology discussed for multi-vehicle systems.
Truck and Bus Automation Safety Committee
This recommended practice is applicable to reciprocating engines powering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) having rated power values less than 22.4 kW, and which are not to be used for human transport.
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The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on in-flight thrust determination of engines that are impacted by intentional or unintentional thrust vectoring. However, as indicated in the Foreword, the field of aircraft thrust vectoring is varied and complex. For simplicity and coherence of purpose, this document will be limited in scope to multi-axis thrust vectoring nozzles or vanes attached to the rear of the engine or airfame; single-axis thrust vectoring and unintentional thrust vectoring (fixed shelf or deck configuration) are special cases of this discussion. Specifically excluded from this scope are thrust vectoring created primarily by airframe components such as wing flaps, etc.; lift engines, propulsive fans and thrust augmenting ejectors; and powerplants that rotate or otherwise move with respect to the airframe. Note that thrust reversing, which is also a special case of thrust vectoring (vector angles greater than 90 degrees), is covered by a separate SAE Aerospace
E-33 In Flight Propulsion Measurement Committee
This SAE Information Report develops a concept of operations (ConOps) to evaluate a cooperative driving automation (CDA) Feature for occluded pedestrian collision avoidance using perception status sharing. It provides a test procedure to evaluate this CDA Feature, which is suitable for proof-of-concept testing in both virtual and test track settings.
Cooperative Driving Automation(CDA) Committee
Adaptive cruise control (ACC) is an enhancement of conventional cruise control systems that allows the ACC-equipped vehicle to follow a forward vehicle at a pre-selected time gap, up to a driver selected speed, by controlling the engine, power train, and/or service brakes. This SAE Standard focuses on specifying the minimum requirements for ACC system operating characteristics and elements of the user interface. This document applies to original equipment and aftermarket ACC systems for passenger vehicles (including motorcycles). This document does not apply to heavy vehicles (GVWR > 10,000 lbs. or 4,536 kg). Furthermore, this document does not address other variations on ACC, such as “stop & go” ACC, that can bring the equipped vehicle to a stop and reaccelerate. Future revisions of this document should consider enhanced versions of ACC, as well as the integration of ACC with Forward Vehicle Collision Warning Systems (FVCWS).
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Committee
This Recommended Practice defines the technical requirements for a terrestrial-based PNT system to improve vehicle (e.g., unmanned, aerial, ground, maritime) positioning/navigation solutions and ensure critical infrastructure security, complementing GNSS technologies.
PNT Position, Navigation, and Timing
This recommended practice describes a process for testing the comprehension of static (i.e., fixed or non-dynamic) symbols for all ground vehicles, for both OEM and aftermarket products. With advancing display technology, it is now possible to display dynamic symbols (e.g., a spinning beach ball to show that a process is ongoing, or a diagram showing energy distribution in hybrid vehicles). Such graphics are outside of the scope of this recommended practice, though extensions of this process may be useful for testing them. However, several symbols which occupy the same space on a display may change state without movement (e.g. play/pause button); these are within the scope of this recommended practice. The process described in this recommended practice includes criteria that are used to identify how well the perceived meaning matches the intended meaning for a representative sample of drivers. The data from this process are analyzed to determine the drivers’ comprehension of the symbol
Driver Vehicle Interface (DVI) Committee
This SAE Standard describes standardized medium-independent messages needed by information service providers for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). The messages contained herein address all stages of travel (informational, pre-trip and en route), all types of travelers (drivers, passengers, personal devices, computers, other servers), all categories of information, and all platforms for delivery of information (in-vehicle, portable devices, kiosks, etc.).
V2X Core Technical Committee
This document, the JAUS Compliance and Interoperability Policy (ARP6012), recommends an approach to documenting the complete interface of an unmanned system or component in regard to the application of the standard set. While non-SAE AS-4 JAUS documents are referenced in this ARP they are not within the scope of this document and should be viewed as examples only.
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This document establishes recommended practices for the specification of general performance, design, test, development, and quality assurance requirements for the flight control related functions of the Vehicle Management Systems (VMS) of military Unmanned Aircraft (UA), the airborne element of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), as defined by ASTM F 2395-07. The document is written for military unmanned aircraft intended for use primarily in military operational areas. The document also provides a foundation for considerations applicable to safe flight in all classes of airspace.
A-6A3 Flight Control and Vehicle Management Systems Cmt
This document provides a list of data elements and event triggers for recording of event data relevant to crash investigations for heavy vehicles. The list of data elements includes recommended source(s) and formatting.
Truck and Bus Event Data Recorder Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) sets forth design and operational recommendations concerning the human factors issues and criteria for cockpit display of traffic information systems. The visual and aural characteristics are covered for both the alerting components and traffic depiction/situation components. The display system may contain any one or a combination of these components Although the system functionality assumed for this document exemplifies fixed-wing aircraft implementation, the recommendations do not preclude other aircraft types. The recommendations contained in this document address both near and far term technology directed toward providing in flight traffic awareness, although the present version remains primarily focused on near term applications. Since this document provides recommendations, the guidance is provided in the form of “should” statements as opposed to the “shall” statements that appear in standards and requirements. The assumptions about
G-10EAB Executive Advisory Group
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes terminology specific to unmanned systems (UMSs) and definitions for those terms. It focuses only on terms used exclusively for the development, testing, and other activities regarding UMSs. It further focuses on the autonomy and performance measures aspects of UMSs and is based on the participants’ earlier work, the Autonomy Levels for Unmanned Systems (ALFUS) Framework, published as NIST Special Publication 1011-I-2.0 and NIST Special Publication 1011-II-1.0. This Practice also reflects the collaboration results with AIR5665. Terms that are used in the community but can be understood with common dictionary definitions are not included in this document. Further efforts to expand the scope of the terminology are being planned.
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This document provides a high-level ontology and lexicon for describing on-road ADS-operated vehicle behavioral competencies and driving maneuvers that comprise routine/normal performance of the complete DDT, as defined in SAE J3016. It provides definitions of behavior, maneuver, scenario, and scene. This initial high-level lexicon and ontology are developed for ADS driving behaviors, including considerations for hierarchy of behaviors, and relationships among maneuvers, operational design domain (ODD) elements, and object and event detection and response (OEDR). Considerations for describing scenarios using this lexicon and ontology are discussed. This document describes ADS-operated vehicle motion control maneuvers during routine/normal operation. Maneuvers of other road users are not evaluated. This document assumes left-hand drive vehicles and road infrastructure. Applicability to right-hand drive vehicles and roadway infrastructure would require adjustment to such vehicles and
On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee
The lane departure warning (LDW) system is a warning system that alerts drivers if they are drifting (or have drifted) out of their lane or from the roadway. This warning system is designed to reduce the likelihood of crashes resulting from unintentional lane departures (e.g., run-off-road, side collisions, etc.). This system will not take control of the vehicle; it will only let the driver know that he/she needs to steer back into the lane. An LDW is not a lane-change monitor, which addresses intentional lane changes, or a blind spot monitoring system, which warns of other vehicles in adjacent lanes. This informational report applies to original equipment manufacturer and aftermarket LDW systems for light-duty vehicles (gross vehicle weight rating of no more than 8500 pounds) on relatively straight roads with a radius of curvature of 500 m or more and under good weather conditions.
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes a uniform, powered vehicle test procedure and minimum performance requirement for lane departure warning systems used in highway trucks and buses greater than 4546 kg (10000 pounds) gross vehicle weight (GVW). Systems similar in function but different in scope and complexity, including lane keeping/lane assist and merge assist, are not included in this document. This document does not apply to trailers, dollies, etc. This document does not intend to exclude any particular system or sensor technology. This document will test the functionality of the lane departure warning system (LDWS) (e.g., ability to detect lane presence and ability to detect an unintended lane departure), its ability to indicate LDWS engagement, its ability to indicate LDWS disengagement, and its ability to determine the point at which the LDWS notifies the human machine interface (HMI) or vehicle control system that a lane departure event is detected. Moreover, this
Truck and Bus Automation Safety Committee
The document focuses on perspective flight displays with or without guidance and is intended for flight deck display applications. Further, this document does not directly address the presence or absence of background information, e.g., synthetic and/or enhanced imagery. Such issues are addressed in a separate E/SVS document. Since this document provides recommendations, the guidance is provided in the form of “should” statements as opposed to the “shall” statements that appear in standards and regulations. When “shall” statements are used, the regulation or standard is referenced (where applicable).
G-10P Perspective Flight Guidance Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) specifies a data communications layer for the transport of messages defined by the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) or other Software Defined Protocols (SDP). This Transport Specification defines the formats and protocols used for communication between compliant entities for all supported link-layer protocols and media. Although JAUS is the SDP used as the example implemented throughout this document, AS5669 can be used for any SDP that meets the required capabilities. A Software Defined Protocol is defined as an application data interface for communicating between software elements. The SDP is agnostic of the underlying communications protocol and in fact communicates in much the same manner regardless if the communicating entities are collocated in the same memory space or separated by a satellite link.
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice applies to both Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and aftermarket ITS message-generating systems for passenger vehicles and heavy trucks. The recommended practice describes the method for prioritizing ITS in-vehicle messages and/or displayed information based on a defined set of criteria. Each criterion has a fixed number of levels that are used to rate/rank a given message or information item to determine its prioritization value. The prioritization value is used to determine the priority in which simultaneous, or overlapping, in-vehicle messages are presented to the driver.
Driver Vehicle Interface (DVI) Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides guidance to prepare pilots to participate in simultaneous instrument landing system (ILS) precision runway monitor (PRM) approaches to closely-spaced parallel runways.
G-10G Realistic Training Committee
This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information on systems integration rigs, commonly referred to as “Iron Birds” for aerospace applications. a It includes background historical information including descriptions of Iron Birds produced to date, important component elements and selection rationale, hydraulic system design and operational modes and illustrates the design approaches to be considered. b It provides illustrations of the various systems that should be considered for Iron Bird testing in the development phase and utilization during the production program. c It includes recommendations for simulation, component development tests, system integration and lessons learned.
A-6A3 Flight Control and Vehicle Management Systems Cmt
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