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This specification covers disinfectants or chemicals for use in disinfecting aircraft after carrying livestock.
AMS J Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals and Materials Committee
This SAE Standard describes alternator physical, performance, and application requirements for heavy-duty electrical charging systems for off-road work machines, including those defined in SAE J1116.
CTTC C2, Electrical Components and Systems
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended for stakeholders of the automotive industry that are conducting emission testing on materials, parts, or components used in automotive interiors. Testing methods may specifically define the handling and packaging conditions for the material to be analyzed. In these cases, follow the method as closely as possible. Use this document as a guide where the protocol for handling and packaging the samples between production and testing may be undefined or ambiguous.
Volatile Organic Compounds
This document covers the general physical, electrical, functional, safety, and performance requirements for conductive power transfer to an electric vehicle using a coupler, which can be hand-mated and is capable of transferring either DC or AC single-phase power using two current-carrying contacts.
Hybrid - EV Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) details the recommended process for correcting measured non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) mass and number data for particle losses in the sampling and measurement system specified in ARP6320B. This technique is only recommended for conditions where both nvPM mass and number concentration measurements are in the valid measurement ranges of the instruments that are discussed in the tool limitations section. This ARP also supplies an Excel software tool with documentation to automate the process. The body of this ARP details the recommended calculation method, uncertainties, and limitations of the system loss correction factors. It explains, in detail, the required inputs and outputs from the supplied Excel software tool (developed on Windows 7, Excel 2016). Also included are: The Excel correction tools (refer to Attachments I and V). Installation instructions for a Windows-based computer (refer to Attachment II). A user technical manual
E-31P Particulate Matter Committee
This document covers the general physical, electrical, functional, testing, and performance requirements for conductive power transfer to an electric vehicle using a coupler capable of, but not limited to, transferring three-phase AC power. It defines a conductive power transfer method including the digital communication system. It also covers the functional and dimensional requirements for the electric vehicle inlet, supply equipment connector, and mating housings and contacts. Moveable charging equipment such as a service truck with charging facilities are within scope. Charging while moving (or in-route-charging) is not in scope.
Truck and Bus Electrical Systems Committee
This SAE Standard serves as a guide for vibration testing procedures of Automotive and Heavy Duty storage batteries.
Starter Battery Standards Committee
This procedure provides methods to determine the appropriate inertia values for all passenger cars and light trucks up to 4540 kg of GVWR. For the same vehicle application and axle (front or rear), different tests sections or brake applications may use different inertia values to reflect the duty-cycle and loading conditions indicated on the specific test.
Brake Dynamometer Standards Committee
This SAE Standard establishes the performance specifications for the zero-tolerance breath alcohol detection system to reduce the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. It defines the accuracy and precision requirements of the breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) measurement, as well as the acceptability criteria and key parameters to test these requirements. Additionally, this standard sets the performance requirements of the system for ethanol sensitivity, the response time, and the electrical, mechanical, and environmental conditions the system may encounter throughout the lifespan of the vehicle.
Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety Committee
This document provides recommended practices regarding how System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) may be applied to safety-critical systems in any industry.
Functional Safety Committee
To provide a procedure to inspect a refrigerant cylinder used in equipment servicing mobile air-conditioning (A/C) systems. This includes the pressure cylinder used for refrigerant recovery/recycling and charging equipment.
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
This recommended practice is intended to provide general guidelines for the selection and proper use of cleaning and disinfecting product characteristics acceptable for use on vehicle interiors and exterior touch points (cleaning before disinfecting being best practice in general for vehicles, as with other situations), and the effectiveness of the disinfecting products with certain characteristics, as well as indicating the product characteristics that will not cause damage to those surfaces.
Cabin Disinfection Practices Committee
This SAE Standard defines the safety and performance requirements for low-speed vehicles (LSVs). The safety specifications in this document apply to any powered vehicle with a minimum of four wheels, a maximum level ground speed of more than 32 km/h (20 mph) but not more than 40 km/h (25 mph), and a maximum gross vehicle weight of 1361 kg (3000 pounds), that is intended for operating on designated roadways where permitted by law.
Special Purpose Vehicle Committee
This SAE Information Report was prepared by the SAE Fuels and Lubricants Technical Committee for two purposes: (a) to assist the users of automotive equipment in the selection of axle1 and manual transmission lubricants for field use, and (b) to promote a uniform practice for use by marketers of lubricants and by equipment builders in identifying and recommending these lubricants by a service designation.
Fuels and Lubricants TC 3 Driveline and Chassis Lubrication
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes uniform chassis dynamometer test procedures for hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) and plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (PHEVs) designed for public roads. This recommended practice provides instructions for measuring and calculating the exhaust emissions and fuel economy of such vehicles over the following standard test cycles: the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS), the Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule (HFEDS), the US06 Driving Schedule (US06), the SC03 Driving Schedule (SC03), and the cold-start Federal Test Procedure (cold FTP), which is based on the UDDS. However, the procedures are structured so that other driving schedules may be substituted, provided that the corresponding preparatory procedures, test lengths, and weighting factors are modified accordingly. This document does not specify which emissions constituents to measure (e.g., HC, CO, NOx, CO2); instead, that decision will depend on the objectives of the tester. The
Light Duty Vehicle Performance and Economy Measure Committee
The intention of this standard is to establish a framework to measure the efficiency of PWM HVAC Blower Controllers and Brushless DC Motor Controllers and define a usage based overall efficiency. This result can then be used by vehicle OEMs to demonstrate compliance towards requirements or benchmarks established by regulatory agencies.
Interior Climate Control MAC Supplier Committee
This specification describes a method and acceptance criteria for testing automotive wire harness retainer clips. Retainer clips are plastic parts that hold a wire harness or electrical connector in a specific position. Typical plastic retainers work by having a set of “branches” that can be inserted into a hole sized to be easy to install but provide acceptable retention. This specification tests retainer clips for mechanical retention when exposed to the mechanical and environmental stresses typically found in automotive applications over a 15-year service life. This specification has several test options to allow the test to match to the expected service conditions. The variability of applications typically arises from different ambient temperatures near the clip, different proximity to automotive fluids, different exposure to standing water or water spray, and different thicknesses of the holes that the clip is inserted into. Clips are typically inserted into sheet or rolled metal
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) defines the helicopter bleed air requirements which may be obtained through compressor extraction and is intended as a guide to engine designers.
S-12 Powered Lift Propulsion Committee
This document describes a rigorous engineering test procedure that utilizes industry-accepted data collection and statistical analysis methods to determine the road load and to estimate the aerodynamic drag area of trucks and buses weighing more than 10000 pounds. The test procedure may be conducted on a test track or on a public road under controlled conditions and supported by extensive data collection and data analysis constraints. The estimated aerodynamic-drag-area result represents a single-speed and single-yaw-angle condition. Test results that do not rigorously follow the method described herein shall not be represented as an SAE J2978 result.
Truck and Bus Aerodynamics and Fuel Economy Committee
This document considers the cooling of equipment installed in equipment centers, which usually consist of rack-mounted equipment and panel mounted equipment in the flight deck. Instances where these two locations result in different requirements are identified. This document generally refers to the cooled equipment as E/E equipment, denoting that both electrical and electronic equipment is considered, or as an E/E equipment line-replaceable-unit (LRU). The majority of cooled equipment takes the form of LRUs. The primary focus of this document is E/E equipment which uses forced air cooling to keep the equipment within acceptable environmental limits. These limits ensure the equipment operates reliably and within acceptable tolerances. Cooling may be supplied internally or externally to the E/E equipment case. Some E/E equipment is cooled solely by natural convection, conduction, and radiation to the surrounding environment. This document discusses specification requirements, system
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
The purpose of this SAE Standard is to establish the specific minimum equipment performance requirements for recovery and recycling of HFC-134a that has been directly removed from, and is intended for reuse in, mobile air-conditioning (A/C) systems. It also is intended to establish requirements for equipment used to recharge HFC-134a to an accuracy level that meets Section 9 of this document and SAE J2099. The requirements apply to the following types of service equipment and their specific applications. a Recovery/recycling equipment b Recovery/recycling-refrigerant charging c Refrigerant recharging equipment only
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
This procedure describes a method for generating, preparing and analyzing samples of new and unused brake friction materials for their chemical constituents.
Brake Linings Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a standardized test method to determine the expected service life, in cycles, of electric vehicle battery modules. It is based on a set of nominal or baseline operating conditions in order to characterize the expected degradation in electrical performance as a function of life and to identify relevant failure mechanisms where possible. Accelerated aging is not included in the scope of this procedure, although the time compression resulting from continuous testing may unintentionally accelerate battery degradation unless test conditions are carefully controlled. The process used to define a test matrix of accelerated aging conditions based on failure mechanisms, and to establish statistical confidence levels for the results, is considered beyond the scope of this document. Because the intent is to use standard testing conditions whenever possible, results from the evaluation of different technologies should be comparable. End-of-life is determined
Battery Standards Testing Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice is applicable to gasoline and diesel fuel filters installed on fuel dispensing equipment, mobile or stationary. It describes a set of tests used to characterize the structural integrity, filtration performance, and reaction to water contaminant with fuel dispensing filters.
Filter Test Methods Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes uniform test procedures and performance requirements for the defrosting system of enclosed cab trucks, buses, and multipurpose vehicles. It is limited to a test that can be conducted on uniform test equipment in commercially available laboratory facilities. For laboratory evaluation of defroster systems, current engineering practice prescribes that an ice coating of known thickness be applied to the windshield and left- and right-hand side windows to provide more uniform and repeatable test restults, even though—under actual conditions—such a coating would necessarily be scraped off before driving. The test condition, therefore, represents a more severe condition than the actual condition, where the defroster system must merely be capable of maintaining a cleared viewing area. Because of the special nature of the operation of most of these vehicles (where vehicles are generally kept in a garage or warmed up before driving), and since defrosting
Truck and Bus Windshield Wipers and Climate Control Comm
This SAE Standard outlines the engine oil performance categories and classifications developed through the efforts of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (Alliance), American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA), the International Lubricant Specification Advisory Committee (ILSAC), and SAE. The verbal descriptions by API and ASTM, along with prescribed test methods and limits, are shown for active categories in Table 1 and obsolete categories in Table A1. Appendix A is thus a historical documentation of the obsolete categories. For purposes of this document, active categories are defined as those (a) for which the required test equipment and test support materials, including reference engine oils and reference fuels, are readily available, or for which the Category Life Oversight Group has established equivalencies between unavailable tests and newer, available tests; (b) which ASTM or the test
Fuels and Lubricants TC 1 Engine Lubrication
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes a procedure for determination of vehicle road load force for speeds between 115 km/h and 15 km/h (or between 70 mph and 10 mph). It employs the coastdown method and applies to vehicles designed for on-road operation. The final result is a model of road load force (as a function of speed) during operation on a dry, level road under reference conditions of 20 °C (68 °F), 98.21 kPa (29.00 in-Hg), no wind, no precipitation, and the transmission in neutral.
Light Duty Vehicle Performance and Economy Measure Committee
This AS establishes minimum requirements for halocarbon clean agent hand-held fire extinguishers carried aboard civil aircraft. The requirements include: design (cylinder, valve, gauge, mounting equipment), performance (firefighting effectiveness - hidden fire test, discharge test, type, etc.), environmental (ozone depleting/global warming potential, atmospheric life span), and occupant safety concerns (toxicology - seat fire test).
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This standard applies to pressure reducers for gaseous breathing oxygen systems and for all performance profiles without regard to particular inlet or outlet pressures. Attention is given, however, to construction requirements for reducers with maximum supply pressures to 2250 psig (155 bar) and reduced pressures of 50 to 150 psig (3.4 to 10.5 bar).
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) includes a discussion of liquid and particulate contaminants which enter the aircraft through the environmental control system (ECS). Gaseous contaminants such as ozone, fuel vapors, sulphates, etc. are also covered in this AIR. This publication is concerned with contamination sources which interface with ECS and fuel tank inerting systems, and the effects of this contamination on equipment. Methods of control will be limited to the equipment and interfacing ducting which normally falls within the responsibility of the ECS designer.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice was established to provide an accurate, uniform, and reproducible procedure for simulating use of MD/HD conventional vehicles (CVs) and hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), as well as plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) on powertrain dynamometers for the purpose of measuring emissions and fuel economy. This document does not specify which emissions constituents to measure (e.g., HC, CO, NOx, PM, CO2), as that decision will depend on the objectives of the tester. While the main focus of this procedure is for calculating fuel and energy consumption, it is anticipated that emissions may also be recorded during execution of this procedure. It should be noted that most MD/HD powertrains addressed in this document would be powered by engines that are certified separately for emissions. The engine certification procedure appears in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 §86 and §1065.
Truck and Bus Powertrain Committee
The scope of this SAE performance standard is to define the test method by which the direct solar and visible transmittance of safety glazing materials for road vehicles shall be measured. Adherence to this performance standard will facilitate writing, use, and referencing of reports by government, industry, and other organizations.
Glazing Materials Standards Committee
This SAE standard applies to all electric battery-powered machines that fall within the scope of SAE J2130-2.
MTC2, Sweeper, Cleaner, and Machinery
This SAE Recommended Practice describes chemical analysis, hardness, microstructure, and physical characteristic requirements for low carbon cast steel shot to be used for shot peening or blast cleaning operations.
Surface Enhancement Committee
This SAE Information Report describes common practices for design of battery systems for vehicles that utilize a rechargeable battery to provide or recover all or some traction energy for an electric drive system. It includes product description, physical requirements, electrical requirements, environmental requirements, safety requirements, storage and shipment characteristics, and labeling requirements. It also covers termination, retention, venting system, thermal management, and other features. This document does describe guidelines in proper packaging of the battery to meet the crash performance criteria detailed in SAE J1766. Also described are the normal and abnormal conditions that may be encountered in operation of a battery pack system
Battery Standards Testing Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice was developed cooperatively by SAE, ASTM, and API to define and identify energy conserving or resource conserving engine oils for passenger cars, vans, sport utility vehicles, and light-duty (3856 kg [8500 pounds] GVW or less) trucks.
Fuels and Lubricants TC 1 Engine Lubrication
This SAE Standard specifies requirements for two types, three classes, and four styles of reinforced hose and non-reinforced tubing for conveying gasoline or diesel fuel aboard small craft including pleasure craft whose fuel systems are regulated under 33 CFR 183 Subpart J. SAE J1527 contains requirements for a Type A fire test of 2.5 minutes and defines a type B hose that is not fire resistant. Refer to SAE J1942 for commercial marine non-metallic flexible hose or hose assemblies used in systems on board commercial vessels inspected and certified by the U.S. Coast Guard. SAE J1942 defines a type A fire resistance test of 2.5 minutes and a type B test of 30 minutes. Refer to SAE J2046 for fuel hose used on personal watercraft.
Marine Engine Fuel Systems Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the minimum design and performance requirements for galleys to be certified and installed in transport category airplanes.
S-9B Cabin Interiors and Furnishings Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes uniform procedures for testing battery electric vehicles (BEVs) which are capable of being operated on public and private roads. The procedure applies only to vehicles using batteries as their sole source of power. It is the intent of this document to provide standard tests which will allow for the determination of energy consumption and range for light-duty vehicles (LDVs) based on the federal emission test procedure (FTP) using the urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS) and the highway fuel economy driving schedule (HFEDS) and provide a flexible testing methodology that is capable of accommodating additional test cycles as needed. Additionally, this SAE Recommended Practice provides five-cycle testing guidelines for vehicles performing supplementary testing on the US06, SC03, and cold FTP procedure. Realistic alternatives should be allowed for new technology. Evaluations are based on the total vehicle system’s performance and not on
Light Duty Vehicle Performance and Economy Measure Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a guideline for the fuel injection pump designer to select appropriate fastener designs which are considered to be tamper-resistant. It applies to fuel injection pumps used on diesel engines.
Diesel Fuel Injection Equipment Standards Committee
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