This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) establishes a method for evaluating the particulate matter extracted from the working fluid of a hydraulic system or component using a membrane. The amount of particulate matter deposited on the membrane due to filtering a given quantity of fluid is visually compared against a standard membrane in order to provide an indication of the cleanliness level of the fluid
This AIR presents an abbreviated review of the metallurgical phenomena known as whiskers. It is not all encompassing; rather, it is intended to introduce the design engineer to the technical issues of metallic whiskers, their formation, and the potentially dangerous problems they can cause
This document presents minimum criteria for the design and installation of LED assemblies in aircraft. The use of "shall" in this specification expresses provisions that are binding. Nonmandatory provisions use the term "should
This procurement specification covers aircraft quality metric spanner nuts for retaining shaft mounted parts. Nuts are made from a corrosion and heat resistant age hardenable iron base alloy of the type identified under the Unified Numbering System as UNS S66286, and silver plated. Thread shear proof strength at room temperature is 450 MPa
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) establishes flexure test procedures to determine and classify the fatigue strengths of reconnectable or permanent hydraulic tube joints. The procedure is intended for conducting flexure tests of fittings and joints for hydraulic tubing materials such as AMS 5561 (21Cr-6Ni-9Mn) steel or AMS 4944 (3AL-2.5V) titanium. A mean stress is applied by holding system pressure in the specimens and flexing in a rotary or planar bending test machine
CLARA identifies four functions: Data Space Generator, Truth Data Generator, Coefficient Generator, and Reconstructor. Together these four functions standardize the solution to the LAR problem
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) describes the test methods for flexible PTFE hose and hose assemblies used in aircraft fluid systems in the pressure and temperature ranges defined in specific procurement specifications. It applies to the hose and the hose coupling. The tests and assembly requirements for the connecting end fitting are covered in the procurement specification. This document applies each time that it is referred to in a procurement specification or other definition document
This SAE Aerospace Standard covers high strength commercial sockets and universal sockets which possess the strength, clearances, and internal wrenching design so configured that, when mated with hexagon (6 point) fasteners, they shall transmit torque to the fastener without bearing on the outer 5% of the fastener’s wrenching points. This document provides additional requirements beyond ANSI B107.5 appropriate for aerospace use. Inclusion of dimensional data in this document is not intended to imply all of the products described therein are stock production sizes. Consumers are requested to consult with manufacturers concerning lists of stock production sizes
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) establishes a procedure for disposition of aircraft wheels that have been involved in accidents/incidents or have been exposed to overheat conditions or overload conditions from loss of adjacent tire pressure (paired wheels) or wheel tie bolts
This standard gives the dimensional requirements for insert arrangements used in AS81569 Series 1 and 2 electrical connectors
Since cargo restraint devices made with textiles should have a predictable service life, there should be data available so that predictions can be made. This document compiles available information on textiles of the types used in air cargo restraint devices and reviews the degradation characteristics of each. Textiles are used primarily in cargo restraint nets on air cargo pallets and nonstructural containers, restraint nets installed in cargo aircraft, and similar applications
Data are related to the dimensional changes with respect to room temperature and provide accuracy sufficient for use with most aerospace systems. Two basic methods of solution are presented with examples for steady state conditions involving uniform and non-uniform temperature distributions. The answers to the example problems are carried to the fifth place for a comparison of the results between Methods I and II
Groove designs presented herein are applicable for use with the following "MS" metal O-ring gaskets conforming to the applicable "AS" standard drawings listed in 1(a) or 1(b), or to dimensionally equivalent gaskets of other materials: a AMS 5570 or AMS 5576 Plain 1 AS9141 - 0.035 tube × 0.006 wall 2 AS9142 - 0.062 tube × 0.006 wall 3 AS9202 - 0.062 tube × 0.010 wall 4 AS9203 - 0.094 tube × 0.006 wall 5 AS9204 - 0.094 tube × 0.010 wall 6 AS9205 - 0.125 tube × 0.010 wall b AMS 5570 or AMS 5576 Silver Plated 1 AS9371 - 0.035 tube × 0.006 wall 2 AS9372 - 0.062 tube × 0.006 wall 3 AS9373 - 0.062 tube × 0.010 wall 4 AS9374 - 0.094 tube × 0.006 wall 5 AS9375 - 0.094 tube × 0.010 wall 6 AS9376 - 0.125 tube × 0.010 wall NOTE: The term "AS gasket" as used in this document refers to the 'MS' part numbers defined on the applicable 'AS' standards listed in 1(a) or 1(b
This specification establishes the requirements for the following types of self locking nuts: a Wrenching nuts: i.e., hex, double hex, spline drive. b Anchor nuts: i.e., plate nuts, gang channel nuts, shank (clinch) nuts. The wrenching nuts, shank nuts, and nut elements of plate and gang channel nuts are made of corrosion and heat resistant steel of the type identified under the Unified Numbering System as UNS S66286
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) specifies the characteristics of screw threads - UNJ profile inch series, including a mandatory controlled radius as specified in Table 1 at the root of the external thread. The minor diameter of both external and internal threads provides a basic thread height of .5625H to accommodate the external thread maximum root radius. The following detailed design requirements are included: a Screw threads - UNJ basic profile and design profiles. b Standard series of diameter-pitch combinations for nominal thread diameters from 0.060 to 6.000 inches. c Standard thread classes and form tolerances. d Formulae for thread dimensions and tolerances. e Method of designating UNJ threads. f Tables for selected diameter-pitch combinations for close tolerance mechanical thread applications. g Tables for screw thread - UNJ profile thread limit dimensions
The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide the aerospace industry with recommendations concerning minimizing stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) in wrought high-strength aluminum alloy products
This aerospace information report (AIR) provides historical design information for various aircraft landing gear and actuation/control systems that may be useful in the design of future systems for similar applications. It presents the basic characteristics, hardware descriptions, functional schematics, and discussions of the actuation mechanisms, controls, and alternate release systems. The report is divided into two basic sections: 1 Landing gear actuation system history from 1876 to the present. This section provides an overview and the defining examples that demonstrate the evolution of landing gear actuation systems to the present day. 2 This section of the report provides an in depth review of various aircraft. A summary table of aircraft detail contained within this section is provided in paragraph 4.1. The intent is to add new and old aircraft retraction/extension systems to this AIR as the data becomes available. NOTES 1 For some aircraft, the description is incomplete, due to
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) sets forth criteria for the selection and verification processes to be followed in providing tires that will be suitable for intended use on civil aircraft. This document encompasses new and requalified radial and bias aircraft tires
Various gas systems are classified in a broad sense, component operation is described in moderate detail, pertinent design parameters are discussed, and possible modes for system operation are listed
The intent of this ARP is to identify electrical connectors maintained by the AE-8C1 Committee, to provide their general application characteristics, associated configuration options, and recommendations for new design (see 6.1.1), repair, and retrofit purposes (see 6.1). It is acknowledged the connectors listed herein will not completely satisfy all mobility vehicle and equipment requirements, but optimization of the use of these components will facilitate standardization in the form of maximum utilization of a minimum variety of connectors. This ARP only pertains to AS connector standards. See MIL-STD-1353 for U.S. military specification connector information
Over the past two and one-half decades several metal clad fibers and fabrics have been developed to provide aerospace vehicle designers with a conductive, lighter weight alternative to coated copper, coated stainless steel and steel wire used for cable and wire shielding and harness overbraids on electrical cables. Several of these candidates have been unable to provide the strength or thermal stability necessary for the aerospace environment. However, several polymer-based products have shown remarkable resistance to the rigorous environment of aerospace vehicles. Concurrent with these fiber developments, there have been changes in the structures of aerospace vehicles involving greater use of nonmetallic outer surfaces. This has resulted in a need for increased shielding of electrical cables which adds substantial weight to the vehicle. Thus, a lighter weight shielding material has become more critical to meet the performance requirements of the vehicle. This report covers the
The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide recommendations concerning the procedure for wave soldering
This document recommends design and performance criteria for aircraft lighting systems used to illuminate flight deck controls, luminous visual displays used for transfer of information, and flight deck background and instrument surfaces that form the flight deck visual environment. This document is for commercial transport aircraft except for applications requiring night vision compatibility
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