This recommended practice establishes the procedures and requirements for cleaning titanium alloy parts prior to adhesive bonding operations.
This document defines a set of standard application layer interfaces called JAUS Manipulator Services. JAUS Services provide the means for software entities in an unmanned system or system of unmanned systems to communicate and coordinate their activities. The Manipulator Services represent platform-independent capabilities commonly found across domains and types of unmanned systems. At present, twenty-five (25) services are defined in this document. These services are categorized as: Low Level Manipulator Control Services – The one service in this category allows for low-level command of the manipulator joint actuation efforts. This is an open-loop command that could be used in a simple tele-operation scenario. The service in this category is listed as follows: Primitive Manipulator Service Manipulator Sensor Services – These services, when queried, return instantaneous sensor data. Three services are defined that return respectively joint positions, joint velocities, and joint
This document recommends criteria for the layout and for the design, installation, and operation of flight deck facilities for transport aircraft.
This recommended practice describes the physical and chemical characterization techniques for identification of epoxy adhesive and prepreg resin systems in order to verify the chemical formulation, resin B-staging (See 8.1), cure reaction rates, adhesive moisture content, and resin component mix ratios, as necessary to achieve manufacturing and quality producibility and engineering performance.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) covers the determination of the amount of stock loss caused by use of chemical cleaning agents on aircraft turbine engine materials.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes a two-pole electric connector for use in battery powered ground support equipment, i.e., traction batteries. Alternatively, the connector can have two or more auxiliary contacts for auxiliary circuits. A handle may be added as an option to assist in connecting and disconnecting.
The report shows how the methodology of measurement uncertainty can usefully be applied to test programs in order to optimize resources and save money. In doing so, it stresses the importance of integrating the generation of the Defined Measurement Process into more conventional project management techniques to create a Test Plan that allows accurate estimation of resources and trouble-free execution of the actual test. Finally, the report describes the need for post-test review and the importance of recycling lessons learned for the next project.
This Aerospace Standard (AS) defines the requirements for a heavy duty polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) lined, metallic reinforced, hose assembly suitable for use in 400 °F 5000 psi, aircraft and missile hydraulic fluid systems.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) is intended as a guide to aid in the specification and testing of Direct Drive Servovalves, but does not include the associated electronic controller. The recommendations contained in this ARP are primarily confined to the input and output characteristics of Direct Drive Servovalves (DDV). The only exception to this approach involves the definition and specification of chip shear force, which is not typically measurable by nondestructive external testing. The information presented should be useful in standardizing the terminology, the specification of physical and performance parameters, and the test procedures used in conjunction with these components. Direct drive servovalves are of two basic types: open loop and closed loop. In the case of open loop direct drive servovalves, the significant input is the motor current as is the case with electrohydraulic servovalves covered in ARP490. A closed loop direct drive servovalve includes a means
This standard establishes the inspection requirements and acceptance standards for optimum surface finish O-ring packings and gaskets. (This is not an O-ring specification per se.)
This report contains background information on life cycle cost elements and key ECS cost factors. Elements of life cycle costs are defined from initial design phases through operational use. Information on how ECS designs affect overall aircraft cost and information on primary factors affecting ECS costs are discussed. Key steps or efforts for comparing ECS designs on the basis of LCC are outlined. Brief descriptions of two computer programs for estimating LCC of total aircraft programs and their use to estimate ECS LCC, are included.
Characteristics of vertical hard-bearing balancing machines are described which make such machines suitable for gas turbine rotor balancing.
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes a Generic Open Architecture (GOA) Framework for application independent hardware/software systems. This document defines the interface classes for the GOA Framework. Supplemental documents define the guidelines for applying the GOA Framework to specific applications.
The scope of this SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) shall cover the methodology of defining and determining the "internal volumes" of both the main deck and lower deck aircraft cargo compartments. The minimum required clearance between the compartment envelope and the unit load devices (ULDs) shall also be stated in order to provide the maximum ULD external contour and the methodology to define the ULD internal volumes.
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