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This recommended practice is intended as a guide for the specification of electrohydraulic mechanical feedback servoactuators used for position control. It provides performance definitions and capabilities that are specific to mechanical-feedback servoactuators and different from those applicable to electrical-feedback servoactuators.
A-6B1 Hydraulic Servo Actuation Committee
The objective of this document is to provide a recommended practice for the development of aerospace EPS dynamic models so that models developed by different companies/industries/governments/etc. will have a basic level of compatibility and interconnectivity. This will be crucial as the aerospace industry looks to solve the challenges of the 21st century through integrated vehicle optimization. This document focuses on model interfaces and their interconnection. Other than these boundary characteristics, this document does not attempt to describe or regulate the inner workings of individual component models. AIR6326 defines the four-level paradigm for aircraft EPS MSAT studies. Of the four levels, Device Physical, Behavioral, Functional, and Architectural, only the first three are dynamic models. Further, the Device Physical level is too detailed and not intended to be interconnected to other EPS models. Thus, only the middle two levels – Behavioral and Functional – will be covered by
AE-7M Aerospace Model Based Engineering
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) is a guide in establishing inspection procedures to determine the condition of in-service accumulators. Recommendations are also provided for corrective action if it is determined that the environment is contributing to the deterioration of the surface protection system treatments.
A-6C4 Power Sources Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides various graphical displays of atmospheric variables related to aircraft icing conditions in natural clouds. It is intended as a review of recent developments on the subject, and for stimulating thought on novel ways to arrange and use the available data. Included in this Report is FAR 25 (JAR 25) Appendix C, the established Aircraft Icing Atmospheric Characterization used for engineering design, development, testing and certification of civilian aircraft to fly in aircraft icing conditions.
AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee
ATP360 air carrier training applies to pilots holding a commercial certificate with instrument and multi-engine ratings. This document describes how the ATP360 program achieves its objectives: to educate and train qualified pilots for First Officer and eventually Captain positions with the regional and/or the major airlines. This document also provides an overview of a selection process, an academic curriculum, a flight training program, faculty preparation, and program evaluation. The focus of ATP360 is to develop industry-recognized competencies and instill the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to bring persons up to professional air carrier standards.
G-10G Realistic Training Committee
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
This specification covers standard requirements for reciprocating aircraft engines.
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
The objective of this document is to define basic terms and definitions and to provide general guidance for M&S of aircraft EPS.
AE-7M Aerospace Model Based Engineering
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This recommended practice provides the dimensional data for the diameters of surfaces that interface with the following tee head bolt series: AS3232 thru AS3235, MS9397 thru MS9402 and MS9432 thru MS9437, or other parts with compatible dimensions.
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
This document is to be used as a checklist by curriculum developers to create courses or training for critical composite repair, maintenance, and overhaul issues. This document will not take the place of courses or training requirements for specific job roles of a composite repair technician, inspector or engineer.
AMS CACRC Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
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