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This SAE Recommended Practice establishes recommended procedures for the issuance, assignment, and structure of Identification Numbers on a uniform basis by states or provinces for use in an Assigned Identification Number (AIN).
VIN - WMI Technical Committee
This document contains information and guidance necessary for the development of a representative, repeatable validation program that may be utilized to assess the capability of SHM systems. The nature of SHM data differs from that seen in traditional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) applications in that the position of SHM sensors is fixed and SHM data can be available much more frequently (if not continuously) over time. This document presents methodologies that can be used to arrive at SHM capability while considering the unique nature of SHM deployment. Each SHM system must be considered independently to determine the applicability and limitations of the guidance contained here for each SHM system being assessed.
Aerospace Industry Steering Committee on Structural Health
This specification covers a corrosion- and heat-resistant steel in the form of bars, wire, and forgings 7.0 inches (178 mm) and under in nominal diameter or least distance between parallel sides, and forging stock of any size.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant cobalt alloy in the form of bars, forgings, flash welded rings, and stock for forging or flash welded rings.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers established manufacturing tolerances applicable to titanium and titanium alloy extruded bars, rods, and shapes. These tolerances apply to all conditions, unless otherwise noted. The term "excl" applies only to the higher figure of the specified range.
AMS G Titanium and Refractory Metals Committee
This specification covers a low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers a nitrile rubber (NBR) elastomer that can be used to manufacture product in the form of sheet, strip, tubing, extrusions, and molded shapes. For molded rings, compression seals, and molded-in-place gaskets for aeronautical and aerospace applications, use the AMS7289 specification.
AMS CE Elastomers Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of plate from 1.000 to 6.000 inches (25.40 to 152.40 mm) in thickness (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant steel in the form of sheet, strip, and plate 0.0010 inch (0.025 mm) and above in nominal thickness (see 8.6).
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers tungsten carbide-cobalt chrome in the form of powder.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification establishes process controls for the repeatable production of preforms/parts using the laser directed energy deposition (L-DED-) process for additive manufacturing. Preforms are intended to be used to manufacture aerospace parts, but usage is not limited to such applications. Feedstock may be either wire (for L-DED-Wire) or powder (for L-DED-Powder).
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of welding wire.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of bars, forgings, flash welded rings under 4 inches (102 mm) in least cross-sectional dimension, and stock of any size for forging or flash welded rings (see 8.4).
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a premium aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers a premium aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers a corrosion-resistant steel in the form of seamless and drawn or welded and drawn tubing.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of welding wire.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a silver alloy in the form of wire, rod, sheet, strip, foil, pig, powder, shot, and chips and a viscous mixture (paste) of powder in a suitable binder.
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant iron-nickel-chromium alloy in the form of bars and forgings 4.0 inches (102 mm) and under, and forging stock of any size.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant steel in the form of sheet, strip, foil, and plate 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) and greater in nominal thickness.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a premium aircraft quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of sheet, strip, and foil 0.100 inch (2.54 mm) and under in nominal thickness.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers one grade of commercially pure titanium in the form of bars, wire, forgings, flash welded rings, up to 4.000 inches (101.60 mm), inclusive, in nominal diameter or least distance between parallel sides, and stock for forging or flash welded rings.
AMS G Titanium and Refractory Metals Committee
This specification covers a gold-palladium-nickel alloy in the form of wire, rod, sheet, strip, foil, pig, powder, shot, chips, preforms, and a viscous mixture (paste) of the powder in a suitable binder.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant steel in the form of bars, wire, forgings, mechanical tubing, flash welded rings, and stock for forging, flash welded rings, or heading.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
The purpose of this standard is to provide uniform methods for the ultrasonic inspection of wrought metals and wrought metal products.
AMS K Non Destructive Methods and Processes Committee
This specification covers a silicone rubber in the form of molded rings, compression seals, O-ring cord, and molded-in-place gaskets for aeronautical and aerospace applications. For sheet, strip, tubing, extrusions, and molded shapes, use AMS3307 specification, which is intended for that use.
AMS CE Elastomers Committee
This specification covers an iron-nickel alloy in the form of strip.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of pre-alloyed powder.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
This specification covers a heat-resistant gamma titanium aluminide alloy in the form of pre-alloyed powder.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
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