A tractor-trailer at 1/10 scale has been tested in the Max Sardou Wind Tunnel (MSWT). This model is with four axels and free rotating wheels.
We have produced 16 very different configurations. Each configuration has been tested in line (yaw = 0°) and with 5° of yaw (32 sub configurations); For each configuration, we have mesured six components properties of the model at low speed (33,5 m/s), with stationary and with moving ground; and then, at high speed (51 m/s), also with and without moving ground.
So, we get 4 groups of 32 measures per type of measurements. Population of each group seems reasonably big enough in order to justify a statistical analysis of the ground motion effect and of speed of the test.
In order to help this analysis, we have add for two configurations Reynolds tests (between 17 and 51 m/s with 5 m/s steps). These Reynolds tests have been conducted in belt on and belt off mode.