This work deals with the design and multi-parametric investigation on the uniquely designed propeller for a Pentacopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The primary design data, secondary design data and performance coefficients such as diameter of the propeller, pitch angle, chord length, lift coefficient are determined through standard analytical approach. About ten different airfoils such as NACA 2412, NACA 4109, NACA 4312, NACA 4409, NACA 4415, NACA 5317, NACA 6409, NACA 6412, NACA 23024, NACA 25012 with 13 Reynolds Number and an Angle of Attack (AOA) of 20 ranges between -5 to 15 degrees are compared in order to design the propellers. The lift coefficient and drag coefficient values of ten different airfoils using the 13 Reynolds Number and the 20 AOA are acquired from the X-foil software. Based on the effect of high lift to drag ratio (L/D), three advanced airfoils are chosen among ten relevant airfoils. The shortlisted airfoils by means of high L/D ratio provided are as follows NACA 6409, NACA 4109, and NACA 4312. With the help of advanced modelling tool, the shortlisted three airfoils based four propellers are modelled. The four modelled propellers include Hybrid propeller which is the incorporation of three aforementioned airfoils, and three propellers that only have NACA 6409, NACA 4109, and NACA 4312. In ANSYS R2 2023 software, the four propellers are analyzed in a single moving reference frame (SMRF) method that produce an efficient simulation for rotating frame in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) by providing suitable boundary conditions and the best performed Hybrid propeller is identified. This best performed propeller is characterized with high lift production, less drag production, and high speed and efficiency with respect to the applications involved in the Pentacopter UAV.