Chilled water systems constitute a major portion of energy consumption in manufacturing plants. In many cases, these systems do not operate at optimal efficiency due to the operating parameters set and/or the components used. As companies and building administrators search for ways to reduce operating costs and save money, energy conservation is on the forefront of many boardroom discussions. Because chilled water systems are a major consumer of energy, they are prime targets for energy conservation analysis. However, the time constraints and ability of the interested parties make the task of analyzing the system daunting and is therefore, rarely undertaken. For this reason, a tool to provide energy consumption and potential saving estimates would be highly beneficial. The results of this preliminary analysis may provide the motivation to undertake a more through savings analysis. The Chilled Water System Analysis Tool (CWSAT) software was developed as a primary screening tool for energy evaluation.
This paper first discusses the steps taken to accurately analyze the current chilled water system and its components. Several energy reduction opportunities related to the current chilled water system are then discussed. Lastly, the paper examines five industrial facilities, some who supply products to the automotive industry, in order to determine energy efficiency effects of changes to chilled water system operations. All recommendations presented in this study were implemented by plants in question. Current practices and observations are provided along with recommended action and calculated results. The systems analyzed are applicable to chilled water systems in the Northeast region of the United States.