Q&A: The Increasingly Important Role Material Selection Plays in Driving Medical Device Product Development Strategy

  • Magazine Article
  • TBMG-38316
Published January 01, 2021 by Tech Briefs Media Group in United States
  • English

The medical industry as a whole has galvanized its entire workforce toward developing a cure and relief for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. One facet of the industry now experiencing an uptick in attention and recognition due to the growing shortage of required raw materials and components for the production of medical equipment is the medical materials industry. When it comes to the manufacturing of medical devices itself, this is a very complicated production process due to the many parts and components involved. The onset of the pandemic has led to a disastrous decrease or even complete stop in production of medical equipment domestically and abroad with several medical device supply chains scrambling to resume their work. Currently, medical device manufacturers are searching for alternative manufacturers and locations.