Magazine Article

Supply-Chain Optimization Template




The Supply-Chain Optimization Tem - plate (SCOT) is an instructional guide for identifying, evaluating, and optimizing (including re-engineering) aerospace-oriented supply chains. The SCOT was derived from the Supply Chain Council’s Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCC SCOR) Model, which is more generic and more oriented toward achieving a competitive advantage in business. Utilizing NASA’s Parachute Re furbishment Facility as an example, concepts contained in the SCC SCOR Model were modified and expanded to be applicable to the unique processes, restrictions, and regulations found in aerospace environments. Templates of the optimized processes were created, samples were developed, and validated effective processes of implementation were created. These templates, samples, and processes were integrated into a formal step-by-step set of descriptions of only those processes applicable in aerospace settings. The inclusion of these specific process steps, coupled with the exclusion of generic SCC SCOR Model process steps that are not applicable in aerospace settings, is expected to reduce the amounts of time needed to both optimize supply chains and train personnel to optimize supply chains.

Meta TagsDetails
"Supply-Chain Optimization Template," Mobility Engineering, December 1, 2009.
Additional Details
Dec 1, 2009
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Magazine Article