Material Properties of Hollow Sectioned Steel Tubes and Wood Filled Hollow Sectioned Steel Tubes under Compression



SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
The combination of wood and steel together gives better properties than individual materials used alone. The advantage associated with this type of hybridization is composite systems are better than that of non-composite system of same size because the system is stiffer. The purpose of utilization of steel with timber members is mainly for stiffness and strength. Steel adds ductility to composite system.
The paper presents the experimental results of the work carried out to study the behavior of specimens prepared in solid teakwood, hollow sectioned steel tube and teakwood filled hollow sectioned steel tube under compression. The circular, rectangular and squared sections were used for study. The interfacial bond between wood and steel is obtained by interference fit and by suitable adhesive for wood-steel composite system.
Experimental results showed that Hollow sectioned square steel tube and solid sectioned square teakwood specimens showed highest compressive strength and compressive strength of circular cross sections were lowest. The results for rectangular were in-between square and circular sections. Incase of composites with adhesive and without adhesive square sectioned specimens showed highest compressive strength, and compressive strength of circular cross sections was lowest, the results for rectangular were in-between square and circular sections. When results of composite without adhesive and with adhesive were compared the highest compressive strength observed in all cases of composites with adhesive. The results obtained experimentally were verified with finite element analysis tool ANSYS. Suitable design codes of concrete filled tubes in practice are used to predict the strengths. The results by both the method are comparable and are within the acceptable limits.
Meta TagsDetails
Danawade, B., and Malagi, R., "Material Properties of Hollow Sectioned Steel Tubes and Wood Filled Hollow Sectioned Steel Tubes under Compression," SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-1053, 2014,
Additional Details
Apr 1, 2014
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Content Type
Technical Paper