Power Management System for the Electric Taxiing System Incorporating the More Electric Architecture



SAE 2013 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
With airlines increasingly directing their attention to operating costs and environmental initiatives, the More Electric Architecture for Aircraft and Propulsion (MEAAP) is emerging as a viable solution for improved performance and eco-friendly aircraft operations. This paper focuses on electric taxiing that does not require the use of jet engines or the auxiliary power unit (APU) during taxiing, either from the departure gate to take-off or from landing to the arrival gate. Many researchers and engineers are considering introducing electric taxiing systems as part of efforts to improve airport conditions. To help cut aircraft emissions at airports, MEAAP seeks to introduce an electric taxiing system that would reduce the duration for which engines and APUs operate while on the ground. Given this goal, the aircraft electrical system deployed for use at airports must rely on a power source other than the jet engines or APU.
A report based on a specific airport indicates that use of the jet engine and APU while on the aircraft is on the ground consumes 3% of all fuel consumed during the course of a flight. Cutting engine operating times during taxiing, including wait and standby times, should reduce both fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions. This would require an electric power management system that shuts down the main power supply, including the engines and APU. Clearly, the alternative electric power source would simultaneously need to supply power not just for taxiing propulsion, but for all aircraft electric and electronics systems. This paper examines these systems and proposes an ecologically-sound (ECO) solution for reducing aviation emissions at airports.
Meta TagsDetails
Oyori, H., and Morioka, N., "Power Management System for the Electric Taxiing System Incorporating the More Electric Architecture," SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-2106, 2013, https://doi.org/10.4271/2013-01-2106.
Additional Details
Sep 17, 2013
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Content Type
Technical Paper