Smart Meshing Template Process with CAD/CAE Link



SAE 2013 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
The benefits of utilizing virtual engineering include not only shortened product development time and reduced reliance on expensive physical testing, but also the opportunities for greater standardization to support higher product quality.
This paper describes a project for building a smart meshing template with a CAD/CAE link. The objective of the project is to optimize the utilization of CAD software and CAE preprocessing software capabilities. The deliverable of the project is a cylinder head mesh template which meets all the cylinder head durability simulation meshing requirements, and which links to CAD/CAE software. Special surface areas identified are built into the cylinder head CAD model design. By using one of the features in CAD software, all the special surfaces can be automatically updated throughout the design process. The link feature between CAD software and CAE preprocessing software in the template allows for automated updating of the CAE mesh model when design changes are made. CAE engineers are no longer required to reassign those special surfaces within a mesh template as design changes arise. The smart meshing template approach tremendously saves the preparation time associated with model generation. This project is part of a larger project in which mesh templates for a cylinder head and block are generated by CAE preprocessing software. Both of these mesh templates are used for production program support. The success of the project demonstrates the potential benefits gained when virtual analysis and design teams creatively collaborate.
Meta TagsDetails
Wang, H., Patil, V., Resh, W., Insalaco, P. et al., "Smart Meshing Template Process with CAD/CAE Link," SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-0637, 2013,
Additional Details
Apr 8, 2013
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Content Type
Technical Paper