Injection of Hydrogen Peroxide into the Combustion Chamber of Diesel Engine: Effects on the Exhaust Gas Behaviour



2004 Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
The improvement of the exhaust gas contents of diesel engines with respect to particles and gaseous emissions is still a very important engineering topic. In this work two different direct injection methods into the combustion chamber of a diesel engine have been investigated and compared. The first system involves the separate injection of H2O2/water solutions using a second nozzle, while the other is the injection of H2O2/water/diesel emulsions by a single injection system. It is known that H2O2 forms OH radicals at higher temperatures, whose probability for the oxidation of diesel soot is much higher than that of molecular oxygen [1]. The H2O2 injection into the combustion chamber [2] and the exhaust pipe of diesel engines [3] has proved to be an effective measure towards the reduction of diesel soot. A Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA) is applied to detect the change in particle diameter as function of H2O2/water addition. The injected H2O2 concentration in relation to injected diesel fuel was varied from 1 to 10 %, and the injection pressure was also varied between 200 and 500 bars. By constant injection pressure and injection timing, it was found that H2O2/water/diesel emulsion leads to a higher reduction of unburned hydrocarbons and particulates. Correspondingly, an increase in the NOx emission is observed in comparison to separate injection of H2O2/water solution. The highest reduction of diesel particles was observed at higher injection pressures, and during delay injection timing of H2O2/water.
Meta TagsDetails
Trapel, E., Ifeacho, P., and Roth, P., "Injection of Hydrogen Peroxide into the Combustion Chamber of Diesel Engine: Effects on the Exhaust Gas Behaviour," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-2925, 2004,
Additional Details
Oct 25, 2004
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Content Type
Technical Paper