A Hybrid System Solution of the Interrupt Latency Compatibility Problem



International Congress & Exposition
Authors Abstract
Microprocessors and microcontrollers are now widely used in automobiles. Microprocessor systems contain sources of interrupt and interrupt service routines, which are software components executed in response to the assertion of an interrupt in hardware. A major problem in designing the software of microprocessor systems is the analytical treatment of interrupt latency. Because multiple interrupt service routines are executed on the same CPU, they compete for the CPU and interfere with each other's latency requirements. Here, interrupt latency is defined as the delay between the assertion of the interrupt in hardware and the start of execution of the associated interrupt service routine. It is estimated that 80% of intermittent bugs in small microprocessor software loads are due to improper treatment of interrupts. Until this work, there is no analytic method for analyzing a particular system to determine if it may violate interrupt latency requirements. There is also no reliable empirical method for ruling out the possibility of interrupt latency violations in a particular system, as they may occur under only very specific conditions. We use a newly developed hybrid system approach to solve this interrupt latency compatibility analysis problem. We have developed an efficient algorithm to determine if interrupt latency violations may occur in a particular system. A software tool that implements the algorithm is also being developed. With such software, we can easily check if interrupt latency constraints may be violated under any circumstances. If so, such software may also indicate how to modify the interrupts and interrupt service routines to avoid such violations.
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Lin, F., Ashley, D., Burke, M., and Heymann, M., "A Hybrid System Solution of the Interrupt Latency Compatibility Problem," SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-1099, 1999, https://doi.org/10.4271/1999-01-1099.
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Mar 1, 1999
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Technical Paper